Metadata information associated with a data model is accessed through its meta member. For example, to access the date that an observation was made:
Metadata values are automatically type-checked against the schema when they are set. Therefore, setting a keyword which expects a number to a string will raise an exception:
>>> from stdatamodels.jwst.datamodels import ImageModel
>>> model = ImageModel()
>>> = "foo"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "site-packages/jwst.datamodels/", line 672, in __setattr__
object.__setattr__(self, attr, val)
File "site-packages/jwst.datamodels/", line 490, in __set__
val = self.to_basic_type(val)
File "site-packages/jwst.datamodels/", line 422, in to_basic_type
raise ValueError(e.message)
ValueError: 'foo' is not of type u'number'
The set of available metadata elements is defined in a YAML Schema that ships with jwst.datamodels.
There is also a utility method for finding elements in the metadata schema. search_schema will search the schema for the given substring in metadata names as well as their documentation. The search is case-insensitive:
>>> from stdatamodels.jwst.datamodels import ImageModel
>>> # Create a model of the desired type
>>> model = ImageModel()
>>> # Call `search_schema` on it to find possibly related elements.
>>> model.search_schema('target')
An alternative method to get and set metadata values is to use a dot-separated name as a dictionary lookup. This is useful for databases, such as CRDS, where the path to the metadata element is most conveniently stored as a string. The following two lines are equivalent:
Working with lists
Unlike ordinary Python lists, lists in the schema may be restricted to only accept a certain set of values. Items may be added to lists in two ways: by passing a dictionary containing the desired key/value pairs for the object, or using the lists special method item to create a metadata object and then assigning that to the list.
For example, suppose the metadata element meta.transformations is a list of transformation objects, each of which has a type (string) and a coeff (number) member. We can assign elements to the list in the following equivalent ways:
.. doctest-skip::
>>> trans = model.meta.transformations.item()
>>> trans.type = 'SIN'
>>> trans.coeff = 42.0
>>> model.meta.transformations.append(trans)
>>> model.meta.transformations.append({'type': 'SIN', 'coeff': 42.0})
When accessing the items of the list, the result is a normal metadata object where the attributes are type-checked:
.. doctest-skip::
>>> trans = model.meta.transformations[0]
>>> print(trans)
<jwst.datamodels.schema.Transformations object at 0x123a810>
>>> print(trans.type)
>>> trans.type = 42.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "site-packages/jwst.datamodels/", line 672, in __setattr__
object.__setattr__(self, attr, val)
File "site-packages/jwst.datamodels/", line 490, in __set__
val = self.to_basic_type(val)
File "site-packages/jwst.datamodels/", line 422, in to_basic_type
raise ValueError(e.message)
ValueError: 42.0 is not of type u'string'
JSON Schema
The jwst.datamodels library defines its metadata using Draft 4 of the JSON Schema specification, but jwst.datamodels uses YAML for the syntax. A good resource for learning about JSON schema is the book Understanding JSON Schema. The mapping from Javascript to Python concepts (such as Javascript “array” == Python “list”) is added where applicable.
In addition to the standard JSON Schema keywords, jwst.datamodels
also supports the following additional keywords.
The following keywords have to do with validating n-dimensional arrays:
: The number of dimensions of the array.max_ndim
: The maximum number of dimensions of the array.datatype
: For defining an array,datatype
should be a string. For defining a table, it should be a list.array:
should be one of the following strings, representing fixed-length datatypes:bool8, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float16, float32, float64, float128, complex64, complex128, complex256
Or, for fixed-length strings, an array [ascii, XX]
is the maximum length of the string.
(Datatypes whose size depend on the platform are not supported since this would make files less portable).
should be a list of dictionaries. Each element in the list defines a column and has the following keys:datatype
: A string to select the type of the column. This is the same as thedatatype
for an array (as described above).name
(optional): An optional name for the column.shape
(optional): The shape of the data in the column. May be either an integer (for a single-dimensional shape), or a list of integers.
FITS-specific Schema Attributes
jwst.datamodels also adds some new keys to the schema language in
order to handle reading and writing FITS files. These attributes all
have the prefix fits_
: Specifies the FITS keyword to store the value in. Must be a string with a maximum length of 8 characters.fits_hdu
: Specifies the FITS HDU to store the value in. May be a number (to specify the nth HDU) or a name (to specify the extension with the givenEXTNAME
). By default this is set to 0, and therefore refers to the primary HDU.